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The Power of the Long Exhale

Writer's picture: Zach SandersZach Sanders

Updated: Jul 1, 2024

Yogi’s use breath control to still the mind, which is the goal of Yoga. One of the most powerful breathing techniques is the 1:2 breath where the exhale is twice the length of the inhale.

This practice has countless benefits which include calming the nervous system, slowing the heart rate, and controlling emotions. The location in the brain responsible for regulating the breath is next to the place in the brain that regulates emotions. By controlling the breath, we bring our emotional state under our control as well. The nervous system is also closely related to the breath. When the nerves are stressed out, the breath is chaotic, but when calm, the breath is rhythmic. So, by controlling the breath we can calm the nervous system and allow our organs to relax. In addition to this, slowing down our breath also slows down our heart rate, which lowers the tension and pressure throughout the body. This practice regulates the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood, making us feel fresh and focused.

The practice is simple, yet the benefits are innumerable!

Incorporating this breathing technique will have a profound impact on your mind and body, helping you to reconnect to Consciousness.


How to practice:

1.     Take a comfortable seated or lying down position

2.     Become conscious of the navel area and feel it moving in and out with each breath

3.     After a few moments of feeling the breath, exhale all the air out of the lungs

4.     Using the navel, take a slow inhale in through the nose and comfortably fill the lungs

5.     Using the navel, slowly exhale through the nose and count how long it takes to get to the end of the exhale

6.     Make the next inhale HALF the length of the exhale. For example, 8s exhale & 4s inhale

7.     Use this count and maintain a calm steady rhythm for a few minutes

8.     Practice for as long as you like

Let the breath take you deeper into self-awareness and healing.

Try this Long Exhale exercise, and then share your experience in the comments below.

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