If you're the voice in your head, then who's listening to it?
This question leads you back into the silent witness, what we call “the Self”.
In the yogic science, it's only because we identify with the voice in our head that we remain trapped in suffering and cause others suffering.
The voice creates an “I” (ego) who is the main character of the story - a narrative it tells about itself and the world. This narrative comes from our past experiences, our family, ancestors, friends, culture, etc. we are always adding onto the story. The main character of the story is self-obsessed and puts its desires above everything else, regardless of repercussions or who it may negatively affect.
The stories that we belief determine how we live, act, speak, and think. Most of the time these stories involve lack, want, self-doubt, hatred, anger, and fear, but the stories are endless! All the problems in our life and society come from these negative stories in our mind.
The goal is to recognize that you are not the voice… you are the witness.
When you wake up to this then you’ll stop being limited by that voice in your head and you’ll break free of everything holding you down. You’ll begin to feel the inherent peace which is the essence of your being, instead of feeling the anxiety, depression, anger, and want that comes from the story, and the main character of the story. Then you can start to create new stories that are true and beneficial.
This is the only way back to peace… To wake up to who you really are.
How to practice:
- Sit in a comfortable position
- Bring your attention to your body and to the breath for a few moments. Notice the feeling of your body and the movement of the air.
- When you feel that your mind is less scattered and your body relaxed, then bring your attention to the mind
- Listen to the voice in your head, watch the thoughts it has, the stories it tells, the mental images it presents
- Then ask yourself the question “Who is listening to this voice?”
- Turn your attention to the witness. Observe the nature of the witness.
- Notice how you are the witness, you are not the voice
- Keep witnessing the voice and noticing how it isn’t you. Feel yourself letting go of the voice and returning to your silent pure nature.
- Feel the stillness and peace of your being. Feel the freedom from being trapped in the mind.
- Remain here for at least 5 – 10 min
- Throughout the day evaluate what stories your mind is telling. Is it a true story? Is it beneficial?