In the world today, finding out what’s true or not can be quiet challenging.
You hear one thing from one source, and the complete opposite thing from another source. One person’s truth can be entirely different than someone else’s truth based on their relative experience.
It seems like everywhere we look there’s only relative truth, but in the yogic science there’s also the ultimate Truth, which is beyond our relative perspectives.
Yogis say that the ultimate Truth is Existence-Consciousness because this is true for everyone regardless of time, place, and individual perspective. It’s a fact that you exist and that you’re conscious. To even question this you must first exist and be conscious. This is proof that Existence-Consciousness is True, it is not a relative truth or unique perspective.
If you only follow relative truth, or your personal perspective, then you won’t see what’s true for everyone, and your life may become disharmonious. However, if you follow the ultimate Truth, Existence-Consciousness, then you will see what’s true for everyone, and you live harmoniously.
If we build our life on relative truth, our foundation is unstable, and when a storm comes, we get knocked down. Therefore, we should aim to build our life on the ultimate Truth, so that when the storm comes our foundation is stable and we remain unshaken.
How to Practice:
1. Take any comfortable position - sitting, standing, lying, or walking - Witness your body and breath for a few moments to calm down.
2. Once calm, bring you attention to the fact that you exist in this form right now, see how you are a part of existence. Also notice that you are conscious right now. Do you doubt that you exist, or that you're conscious? See you don’t think that you exist, or that you’re conscious, you KNOW it.
4. Realize that this is true for everyone regardless of their relative perspective.
5. Remain here for 5 - 20 minutes, knowing the Truth that you exist, and that you are conscious in this moment.