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Writer's pictureZach Sanders

The Sacred Self Meditation

Yoga is the science of The Self. Modern science investigates the external objective world of Nature, while the yogic science investigates the internal subjective world.


Instead of turning attention outward to the world and senses, the yogi turns their attention inward to who is experiencing the world and senses.


In the yogic science there is the Self, and the mind-body instrument which the Self uses to experience the world. The Self is pure consciousness, while the instrument and the world are temporary manifestations of energy.


Yoga is a Sanskrit word meaning “to unite” with the Self – this means to identify with the Self instead of identifying with the instrument.


When we forget who we are and identify with our instrument we create what is called the “ego” – the imaginary self that brings attachment, aversion, and fear of death.


The ego is conditioned by the world (family, friends, religion, politics, gender, etc) and it creates a story around itself from this conditioning, such as “I am unlovable, broken, and not good enough.” Or “I am an American, anyone who is not American is different from me and a threat.” We can come up with countless stories that limit the way we perceive ourselves.


This is the entire issue in the yogic science – we forget that we are the Self and become identified with the instrument. This is why we suffer and become disconnected from love, peace, and joy, which is our true nature.


To come out of the entanglement of forgetfulness the yogic science recommends (1) the practice of sustained awareness, and (2) non-attachment. This practice allows the Self to remember itself and to release its attachment from ego and conditioning.


When we are free from ego and conditioning, and one with the Self, we find that we are naturally at peace, in love with life, and filled with joy - we don’t have to do anything to “earn” these, because this is the nature of the Self.


We must be dedicated to this practice because our conditioning is deeply engrained within us. However, with consistent practice we can rewire our being to be free from ego and conditioning.


How to Practice:

1.     Sit in a comfortable position

2.     Control your breathing for 3 – 5 min, inhale 3 sec and exhale 6 sec (1:2 inhale to exhale)

3.     Then notice that you are conscious, notice everything that is appearing within your consciousness

4.     Bring your attention to your body, feel the form of the body, the flow of the breath, the sensations occurring within the body

5.     See how the body is your instrument that you use to experience the world

6.     Keep your awareness here with your instrument. Let go of the passing thoughts and feel the silence of your consciousness. There may be many thoughts at first just keep releasing them and maintain body awareness. Eventually the thoughts will calm down.

7.     Notice how you are the witness of the body, you are Consciousness, you are the Self. You are not the instrument.

8.     Keep your awareness on the body for 5 – 10. Resting in the silence of the Self.

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